
Our School library is an immense resource of books, which helps in over all development of the students. The library facility is available to all the bonafide students of the school during the school hours. All the classes are provided at least one library period per week. The library has open shelf system. The students are not allowed to bring their personal books, bags inside the library.  The students are allowed to borrow books against their issued library cards.To infuse the reading habit in students and staff members, the school library offers the following:

  • There are approximately 29,000 books in the library.
  • There is vast range of latest fiction, poetry, mythological books, magazines, comics, newspapers, text-books, CDs, DVDs.
  • The school library is fully automated and maintains computerized issue and return of books for the students and the staff members.
  • Internet facility is also available to update the knowledge.
  • Every student is given a Bar coded member ID. All the books have respective bar codes on them.
  • Book reviews are presented by the students regularly.
  • Activities like story-telling, book-cover making and story-writing are also organized in the library.
The library of the primary wing is aslo a source of knowledge . There is an extensive collection of books that kindle the spirit to widen the horizon of knowledge and enhance the reading skills..Each shelf offers an opportunity to be explored.

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  • H L Convent School is a place where a child grows, physically and in knowledge no doubt, but most importantly in curiosity, courage, confidence, independence, patience, resourcefulness, resilience and understanding.