Scout and Guides

Self discipline lays the foundation of a responsible and committed citizen. Scouting and Girl guiding aim at inculcating self discipline and responsive attitude in the students for their role as the future citizens of their country. Under the guidance of the esteemed teachers, the students are trained to play diverse roles and offer their volunteer services to the society. The boys as scouts and the girls as guides undergo stringent practices to experience and survive the blows of adverse circumstances. Their patience and capacity are put to test in activities like Camping, Tracking, Marching, Flag hoisting and so on. We, at H L Convent School, always endeavour to produce true nationalists for our motherland.

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  • H L Convent School is a place where a child grows, physically and in knowledge no doubt, but most importantly in curiosity, courage, confidence, independence, patience, resourcefulness, resilience and understanding.